What if you could reprogram the way you feel, think and behave toward yourself, the people in your life, and even life itself? If you have these desires, Quantum Field Clearing sessions can help you fulfill them.
Quantum Field Clearing (QFC) is a biological reprogramming protocol researched and developed by Elizabeth Balcar, MS. It operates on the principle that your reactive feelings, thoughts and behaviors are controlled by the survival intelligence in your body. You have biologically-based programming that allows your past experience to affect your current life. This programming is separate from your mental intelligence and is therefore not easily controlled by your mind.
QFC’s core principle is based on the concept that when you are under extreme emotional and/or life-threatening stress, your body is designed by Nature to shut down your conscious awareness that your biologically-based emotional needs for comfort, safety, security and protection are not being met.
The purpose of this protective survival mechanism is to enable you to focus on surviving the event in front of you without awareness of and/or interference from your unmet emotional needs in that moment. QFC refers to this biologically-based phenomenon as a “consciousness fragmentation.”
This consciousness fragmentation is designed by Nature as a short-term protective mechanism for coping with immediate trauma and it occurs in all mammals. However, if left unchecked, the causal event associated with the consciousness fragmentation will become a reference point for the body’s future interpretation of threat.
Indigenous cultures have mechanisms built into their spiritual practices that release and heal the results of consciousness fragmentation once the trauma has passed. Western culture, however, does not recognize the validity of consciousness fragmentation. Consequently it has not developed reliable methods and procedures for addressing it. Western culture has, however, managed to name this phenomenon. In past generations, it was referred to as a “shell shock.” Today, it is referred to as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome or Disorder (PTSD).
According to Elizabeth Balcar’s Quantum Field Clearing theory, unresolved fragments of consciousness organize your body’s survival mechanism into ongoing perceptual programming that chronically interferes with the way that you interpret, respond or react to your reality. At a minimum, the consequences of this programming can cause frustrating emotional and behavioral patterns. At a maximum, the consequences of this phenomenon can be devastating for your personal or professional relationships, your emotional or physical health as well as for your sense of well-being in your life.
Quantum Field Clearing sessions help you reorganize the way you function in your reality by resolving the fragmented consciousness that is causing your unwanted behavioral and emotional patterns. Quantum Field Clearing clients consistently report wide-ranging emotional and behavioral benefits from QFC sessions. They report that they have clearer emotional boundaries in their relationships and that they are better able to manage and recover from emotionally charged situations. They also report that they have greater self-control and peace-of-mind with increased productivity, creativity and flexibility in resolving the challenges they encounter in their daily lives.
The QFC protocol is designed to resolve many types of issues. The categories below are examples of how you can benefit from Quantum Field Clearing.
And, as you browse this website, please give your special attention to the FAQs as they are organized to give you a clearer understanding of Quantum Field Clearing’s underlying theoretical foundation.
- communication issues
- families & step-families
- parent/child & child/parent
- adult child/parent & parent/child
- forgiveness issues
- divorce recovery
- dating dynamics
- guilt
- old emotional wounds
- power & control issues
- confidence, self-esteem, self-concept
- abandonment
- love
- sexuality
- anger/rage
- abuse (self and/or other)
- procrastination
- co-dependency
- fears/phobias/anxiety
- panic disorders
- depression
- shyness
- allergies
- chronic pain
- addictive behaviors
- Life direction/purpose
- money management stress
- abundance/scarcity issues
- athletics: confidence & enhancement
- marriage
- childbirth
- empty nest
- death of a loved one
- terminal illness – self or family member
- catastrophic illness/injury of a loved one
- divorce
- elder care
- graduation
- writers’ or creativity blockages
- stage fright
- creative process & expression
- painting, drawing, sculpting
- voice, drama, dancing, music
- spiritual development
- intuition/telepathic/psychic development
- psychic over-sensitivity
- career shifts
- public speaking
- boss/authority issues
- co-worker dynamics
- personality conflicts
- assertiveness development
- scapegoat issues
- layoff fears
- job loss & recovery
- job search
- new job stress & overwhelm
- abuse or neglect
- molestation or rape
- health or disease trauma
- major losses – security, finances, job, home
- crimes – robbery, assault, murder
- accidents, serious/catastrophic injury
- war zone trauma
- natural or man-made disasters