Elizabeth Balcar, MS, the developer of the Quantum Field Clearing protocol, is a dedicated innovator and facilitator of energy healing and transformational techniques. She has been in private practice since 1982 and has facilitated over 10,000 client sessions.
Elizabeth has a Masters Degree in Human Development and Family Studies and she has earned a reputation for excellence and integrity as a practitioner and a teacher.
From 1990 to 2000 she owned and directed 21st Century Learning Unlimited, a clinic specializing in individual consultation and training in Energy Kinesiology, a system of energy balancing techniques that utilizes muscle checking as a bio-feedback mechanism for communicating with the Body’s innate intelligence.
In 1999, she developed Inner Archeology, a method that combined state-of-the-art energy balancing tools and Energy Kinesiology in permanently discharging emotional patterns stored in the physical body.
In 2005 she was introduced to the concept of intentional dowsing and to Matrix Energetics in 2008. These ideas led her once again to innovation through synthesizing these disciplines with Inner Archeology to create the Quantum Field Clearing protocol.
While Elizabeth’s work focuses on clearing and integrating the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual elements of the individual to activate the highest potential for human development, her primary interest is in facilitating her clients and students, increasing levels of conscious awareness, and mastery in daily life.