It is not necessary to combine QFC with psycho-therapy. Keep in mind that Quantum Field Clearing is not anything like talk-therapy.
- Rather, QFC sessions focus on reprogramming your body’s survival intelligence so that it is easier for you and the intelligence of your body to learn and develop new ways of responding to and resolving the stress factors in your life.
- Consequently, you do not need to anticipate a weekly appointment for years on end.
- QFC is so results oriented, that comparatively few sessions are required in order to gain long-lasting and life-transforming benefits.
- However, depending on your personal situation, because QFC is not talk-therapy, it may benefit you to combine QFC with the services of a certified psycho-therapist to assist you in understanding and developing new strategies for the circumstances in your life.
- If you are currently working with a psycho-therapist, then adding QFC sessions will speed your progress enormously.