The number of sessions you need will depend on a number of factors.
In general, there are three phases to the QFC transformation process.
- Phase #1 – This first phase focuses on putting out any Emotional Firestorms that are burning in your life.
- To put it simply, you cannot make appreciable progress in any area of your life if you have emotional firestorms consuming your resources.
- Phase #2 – Once the emotional firestorms are out, and you have more peace in your mind, or if haven’t got any Emotional Firestorms going on for you, then Phase #2 has to do with cleaning up the Energy Boundaries between you and the major players in your life with whom you do not have Clear Boundaries.
- In other words, we need to make sure that the boundaries in your major relationships are clean and clear for you; that you are not inappropriately giving away your power of your consciousness to anyone and that no-one is inappropriately giving power to you.
- Any relationship that drains your energy, no matter how unavoidable you think it might be, will interfere with your ability to make progress for yourself.
- This does not necessarily mean that you will have to let go of the relationships, it simply means that you will no longer be hemorrhaging energy in those relationships.
- You will be sending out a different and more coherent energy signal, which means that people will be treated in a new and more respectful manner.
- Phase #3 – Once the Energy Boundaries between you and the major players in your life have been cleaned up, you are ready for Phase #3.
- Those of you who’ve already done an enormous amount of personal growth may find that your QFC sessions begin with Phase #3.
- But then again, it is possible that your personal growth work hasn’t been as effective as you’d like because you’ve skipped over the first two phases.
- In this case, in order for you to take full advantage of all the work you’ve done, either one or both of the first two phases will have to be addressed.
- Phase #3 is “open-ended” meaning that from this point forward, we will be looking at and using the dynamics in your life to identify the non-beneficial attitudes, beliefs, and/or conclusions about that nature of life and how it works for you that, based on your past experience, are preventing you from developing a life that is a full and complete expression of all of the talent and capability that you have to offer in your life.
- This is actually where the real fun of Quantum Field Clearing begins because it is in Phase #3 that we reprogram the deeper nuts and bolts of how you are put together.
Recommendations for scheduling QFC sessions depend largely on your goals and aspirations. So, here are some general ideas for you to keep in mind:
- If you are new to Quantum Field Clearing, then, as a rule, we recommend that you book three sessions in fairly close succession – about 1 – 2 weeks apart.
- The purpose here is to build momentum by “clearing the decks” for changes and transformations in your life that you desire to make.
- Once you are well underway, then, as a rule, one session every 3 – 6 weeks should be enough until you have the sense that you’ve achieved and are maintaining your desired state of well-being.
Please, keep in mind, though, that everyone is different.
- Some people want to go faster, some are more comfortable with slower.
- Some people have short-term issues they want to address, so they require fewer sessions to meet their goals.
- Sometimes one session can be all that is necessary.
- Other people, however, are undoing the effects of major or life-long trauma. In their cases, they may require more effort and commitment. For these people, once they “get over the hump,” the payoff will be monumentally profound: the freedom from the tyranny of emotional programming resulting from a long-standing, life-controlling, hell.
In any case, each Quantum Field Clearing session is whole and complete unto itself.
- Yet, it is important to understand that, because QFC sessions reprogram your body’s survival intelligence in such deep ways, they are synergistic in nature.
- This means that “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”
- In other words, under the surface of your conscious mind, the sessions combine with each other in causing your brain to make deeper and more profound changes in how you perceive, create, and interact with your reality.
- The more sessions you have, the greater the changes.
Typically, the people who are serious about transforming their lives can accomplish the changes they want in 12 to 24 sessions spread over a period of 1 to 2 years.