Bio-Emotional Fragmentation occurs when you’re in situations that your body’s survival intelligence (not your conscious mind) perceives as dire enough, that it will automatically shut down your awareness of your emotional needs in order to survive the moment.
- This is a coping mechanism that nature created to help us deal with very stressful or traumatic events.
When you boil it all down, we human beings have two basic needs or drives; the need for the feeling of love, comfort, connection, and security, and the drive to survive.
- When you’re in situations where your stress is so high that your body perceives that your needs for comfort, love, safety, security and/or protection are not going to be met, then the only option left is to survive that moment.
- To help you cope in that moment, your survival response mechanism cuts off your conscious awareness of your unmet emotional needs to help you survive that moment because, after all…it doesn’t serve you to have awareness of those needs if they’re not going to be met.